
Proof of Jesus Christ is God

Proof of Jesus Christ is God

Proof of Jesus Christ is God

Jesus is God? This debate is often a debate. Following this I give an explanation that Jesus is truly God and King
First of all, we will highlight the Bible. Unlike many other writings, the Bible absolutely states that what is written in it is the word of God. Most people who pay great attention to the divinity of Christ accept the Bible as a revelation from God. So for this purpose, we will view the Bible as reliable in its truth, both historically and as God's word to us - the only correct measure to determine whether Christ is God who transformed into human, or not.
Is Jesus God? This debate is often a debate. Following this I give an explanation that Jesus is truly God and King
Some say that from century to century the Bible has become increasingly unconvincing of its authenticity. So there needs to be new revelations. This opinion cannot be true. There are more than 24,600 complete or partial New Testament manuscripts. Even if all the manuscripts of the New Testament disappeared we could still collect all the writings of the New Testament, except for about eleven verses, from the writings of the early church fathers, all of whom were written before 325 AD. Even non-Christian historians must recognize that with all the scientific and historical standards used to check the truth of any ancient document. The New Testament is proven to be more than ninety-nine percent accurate. One can debate its content, but cannot argue the validity of its history.

Proof of Jesus Christ is God

The Bible states that what is written in it is an absolute benchmark for defining doctrinal matters.

2 Timothy 3: 16-17, "All writings inspired by God are indeed useful for teaching, for declaring wrongdoing, for correcting behavior and for educating people in truth. Thus every human being belongs to God is equipped for every good deed."

For Christians, every book, writing, or teaching that is contrary to the contents of the Bible must be rejected. The Bible strongly emphasizes this.

Jude 3, "Dear friends, while I earnestly try to write to you about our common salvation, I feel compelled to write this to you and advise you so that you continue to strive to defend the faith that has been communicated to the people holy."

The Bible does not accept other teachings that will change or add to the contents of the Bible.

Galatians 1: 8, "Even though we or an angel from heaven preach to you a gospel that is different from the gospel that we have preached to you, be condemned to him."

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If there are other sources claiming to be divine revelation, as well as the Bible, then the sources must be tested according to the Bible. God cannot contradict HIS self. Therefore, whatever is stated by a speaker or writer who claims to have divine revelation, cannot contradict the Bible that we know to be true. If their statements are contrary to the Bible, then it is clear that they do not speak for inspiration from God, both verbally and in writing.

In considering the divinity of Christ, the point is not whether the divinity of Christ is easily trusted or understood, but whether the divinity of Christ is revealed in the word of God. If at first the idea of ​​the divinity of Christ seems implausible or incomprehensible, it does not in itself negate the possibility that the divinity of Christ is true. The universe is full of things - like gravity, the nature of light, light waves - that are beyond the reach of human reason at this time, but even so, they are true. The Bible teaches that God cannot be understood by human reason.

Job 11: 7, "Can you understand the essence of God, explore the limits of the power of the Almighty?"

Job 42: 2-6, "I know that thou art able to do all things, and no thy plan fails. Thy Word: Who is he who veils the decision without knowledge? That is why, without understanding I have spoken of things a very miraculous thing for me and which I do not know, Your Word: Hear, so I will say, I will ask you, so that you may tell me, only from the words of men have I heard of You, but now my eyes see You. therefore I revoke my words and regretfully sit in dust and ash. "

Psalm 145: 3, "The Lord is great and is very praiseworthy, and His greatness is not unexpected."

Isaiah 40:13, "Who can regulate the Spirit of the Lord or instruct Him as an advisor?"

Isaiah 55: 8-9, "For my designs are not your designs, and your ways are not my ways, saith the Lord. As the sky is high from the earth, so is my way out of your ways and my designs of your designs."

Romans 11:33, "O, how deep is the wealth, wisdom and knowledge of God! What an unexamined His decisions are, and how unto his ways are immeasurable!"

Therefore, it is appropriate that we believe that what God says about Himself is not a problem, whether we can fully understand it or not.

Regarding God's self-revelation in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Bible says:

Hebrews 1: 1-3, "After ancient times God repeatedly and in various ways spoke to our ancestors through the prophets, then in these latter days He spoke to us through His Son, whom He had appointed as the one who has the right to receive everything that exists, by God God has made the universe, he is the light of the glory of God and the image of God's form and sustains all that is with his powerful word. the greatest right, in a high place, "

Jesus Christ is the Word of the Living God. He declared God. When a follower said, "Show us the Father", Jesus replied, "I have been with you for so long, Philip, but you do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." The Apostle Paul called Jesus Christ "the image of God invisible". Thus, as will be discussed in this paper, looking at Jesus Christ and listening to Him is tantamount to seeing and listening to God.

Proof of Jesus Christ is God

Jesus Christ is God, Jesus Christ is God the father, Jesus Christ is God's son, Jesus Christ is god images, Jesus Christ and god images, Jesus Christ desiring God, Jesus Christ eternal God, Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God, Jesus Christ lamb of God pictures, Jesus Christ is the power Of god, Jesus Christ God story


If Jesus Christ is God in human form, then He is the only one who deserves to be heard, respected, and even worshiped. This means that Allah created the moon and the star, which places billions of planets in the sky, Allah also transformed into a human, who lived and stepped on this earth, and let Him die in the hands of His own creation . HIS death means far more than the death of a good person. From all times, HIS death is the greatest sacrifice, a revelation of love that is not measured in it. Therefore, treating Jesus merely as a human being in the sense of creation is blasphemy. Failing to harmonize our lives with HIS teachings will mean losing life itself.

On the other hand, if Jesus Christ is not God, but a creature with a lower degree, we will only feel grateful for His life, death and teaching, but we will not worship Him as God. If we consider Him a creature of God, then we worship Him as God, that is a very big mistake. Why? Because then we make Him an idol occupying the position of God. The Bible firmly opposes idolatry. God says that He will not give HIS glory to others, and that there is no God but Him, and that we must worship Him alone. So the problem is, Jesus really is God or He is not God. Believing in Him as everything else is a form of blasphemy, an idolatry.

Discussions like this can be very complicated, depending on what teaching someone has received. Various arguments can be put forward to support or oppose the divinity of Christ. For example, if someone has been taught that God is a Person and that Jesus Christ is a created being, then in reading the Bible for the first time, he can find verses that seem to support that view. Conversely, if someone has been taught that God is the Most High, as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that the Son releases His equality with God to be human in the person of Jesus Christ, then he can find verses that support that view . So the question is not whether each view can give a reason, but which view has the strongest evidence. Which view is actually expressed in the entire Bible?

In considering these two views we are convinced that we can provide a firm refutation of all the verses that are used to say that Jesus Christ is not God. We will show that the Bible mentions Jesus Christ with the names and names of God. We will show from the Bible that Jesus Christ deserves to be worshiped and that men should pray to Him. We will give answers to all the arguments against the truth that Jesus Christ is God. We will prove from church history - before the Nicene Council in 325 AD - that the belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ from the beginning was an orthodox view.

It is clear that these views cannot be true both. It will be much easier if the problem is only about writing, but it is not the case. The question is: Which view is correct?

Romans 10: 2, "For I can testify about them, that they are truly active for God, but without right understanding."


Before one can understand Bible verses relating to the divinity of Jesus Christ, he needs to be given an adequate definition of the nature of God, about the person and nature of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is God, Jesus Christ is God the father, Jesus Christ is God's son, Jesus Christ is god images, Jesus Christ and god images, Jesus Christ desiring God, Jesus Christ eternal God, Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God, Jesus Christ lamb of God pictures, Jesus Christ is the power Of god, Jesus Christ God story


The Bible states that God is a person; He is intelligent, loving, fair, loyal, eternal, creative, and is in a dynamic interaction with HIS creation. The characteristics of God can be summarized into two groups: general characteristics and moral characteristics. God - according to his general characteristics - is unique, eternal, unchanging, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, spirit, and a person. God's moral characteristics include HIS holiness, justice, love and greatness. Christianity teaches that God is sovereign; He sustains and governs the universe, and as we will show. He became human - Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


Jesus Christ is a name and a designation. The name Jesus (Indonesian) in Greek is sous; the word comes from the Hebrew yeha "or yeh" a from YHVH and yasya "which means" YHVH the Savior "or" LORD saves ". The name Christ (Indonesian) comes from the Greek word christos, the Hebrew masyiakh (Daniel 9:26) meaning "Anointed One." Two positions, namely king and priest, are included in the use of the designation of Christ, which states that Jesus was the Imam and King promised by God in Old Testament prophecies.

In addition, we believe that when living in this world Jesus Christ has two essence: He is human and He is God. Thus, we have the view that Jesus Christ is the true God (in essence), but also true human. He is a God who reveals himself in human form. The Bible describes Jesus Christ as God and human.

Philippians 2: 5-11, "Let you in your life be together, put the thoughts and feelings that are also found in Christ Jesus, who, though in the form of God, does not regard equality with God as a property that must be defended, but emptied himself and take on the form of a servant, and become like men, and in a human condition, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross, which is why God exalted him and gave him the name in for all names, so that in the name of Jesus knees all that is in heaven and that is on the earth and under the earth, and all tongues confess: "Jesus Christ is Lord," for the glory of God, Father! "

After exploring the definition of God and Jesus Christ, we will try to answer one more question.


How can human beings who are limited like us understand the infinite God? It is very difficult for us to understand abstract things such as truth, goodness, or beauty if we do not have examples that appear to our eyes. We can recognize beauty because we can see that beauty in a beautiful thing; we can know goodness because goodness is seen in a good person, and so on. But what about God? How can people understand what God is like?

To some extent we can know God if God manifests the NY Self in a form that can be understood by humans, namely by making Himself a human. However, indeed in human form he will not be able to express his eternal and omnipotent nature - there will be no time and space for it, but he can visibly express his attributes.

That is the news delivered in the New Testament. The Apostle Paul said that in Christ dwells physically all the fullness of God. Christ became a human being so that humans could within certain limits get an unlimited understanding of God.

The second reason why God wants to be human is to bridge the gap between God and humans. If Jesus Christ was "only" a human or creature, then the gap between God and man - between the infinite and the finite, between the Creator and the created, between the Holy and the unholy - would still exist. So that we can know God, God must come down to us. There is no "creature" who can bridge the gap between God and man, just as a lump of clay cannot understand or reach the level of the cage. Because of love, God has come down to this world, to us. He opened the way so that everyone could know Him.

Source: Jesus: A Biblical Defense for His Deity

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